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A for Effort

Since we've been home, D and I have had a lot of time on our hands. We haven't been at work regularly and the work we were doing wasn't by any means stressful so we always had energy at the end of the day to do more work if we wanted to.

I've enjoyed getting my writing career on track. I feel like I'm getting into the zone and figuring stuff out, simply because I have the energy all day to do it. I have written more in the last two months - mostly for Mosaic Minds - and my editing skills from long ago are all coming back to me.

So, when I saw this opportunity to take a free online writing course, I figured why not? It's more a fiction writing class, which I don't have any direct experience in and thought I should try it out.

It seems I haven't really changed all that much since university because I missed the deadline on the first assignment. Doh. I've been so busy with all the writing and editing for Mosaic Minds, the days go away from me.

And so, I must sheepishly post my written stuff late to them. Perhaps no one will notice. Although, they may as well get to know the real procrastinating me.


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