There is nothing cuter than a little boy pretending to be a grown up.
This is from Christmas and he is much bigger now but I figured it would be fun to debut The Kid on a day when I know I should be writing more but just can't bring myself to find the time.
Tyeger - stay cute. Someday, you'll have a big boy smoking jacket that you can walk around in swirling your whiskey and puffing on your pipe. Until then, just stick to the chocolate - I understand you're a big fan since the Easter Bunny arrived last weekend. Has something replaced your love for the 'yellow bus' your uncle M drives?
Shout out to Vernon where my pen pal friend has just welcomed to the world as of yesterday her little bundle of joy. Mom and daughter are doing fine. Now, if only they could decide on a name...hmmm...
Way to go A and R! To many years of laughter and tears.
I've been reading a couple of books lately that have really made me think quite a lot. Most of my leisure brain power has been taken up reading (that, and uploading a gazillion pictures from holiday)