I remember a time when every day, I would have to get up, go into a newsroom and write.
In between phone calls and interviews and cigarettes, my soul purpose at work was to string words together.
Almost 10 years on and I have no idea how I did that. Have I killed so many brain cells with Budweiser, cigarettes, draft beer, tequila shots, more cigarettes, red wine and G&Ts that I find it a struggle to string some creative words together on a daily basis?
Most women stress and worry about the look fading. Can-you-see-my-wrinkles and do-i-look-fat-in-this type things
Me? I worry about why it is that I used to be able write three to four different stories a day that now, I can't even find the energy to write a few sentences.
Let's hope it's the jet lag.
In between phone calls and interviews and cigarettes, my soul purpose at work was to string words together.
Almost 10 years on and I have no idea how I did that. Have I killed so many brain cells with Budweiser, cigarettes, draft beer, tequila shots, more cigarettes, red wine and G&Ts that I find it a struggle to string some creative words together on a daily basis?
Most women stress and worry about the look fading. Can-you-see-my-wrinkles and do-i-look-fat-in-this type things
Me? I worry about why it is that I used to be able write three to four different stories a day that now, I can't even find the energy to write a few sentences.
Let's hope it's the jet lag.